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Arkansas Cattlemen's Foundation


The Arkansas Cattlemen's Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to support the function of the Arkansas Cattlemen's Association while laying a foundation for the future of our younger cattlemen and women. The Foundation coordinates and distributes thousands of dollars in scholarships each year.

Arkansas CattleWomen's Association


The Arkansas CattleWomen's Association has a mission to promote beef in the state through a myriad of methods. Whether cooking, demonstrating, or through classroom instruction, the CattleWomen of Arkansas provide a very necessary arm of beef promotion. They lead in the support of the Arkansas Beef Council and its efforts to educateconsumers with the healthy benefits of beef.

Arkansas Junior Cattlemen's Association



The Arkansas Junior Cattlemen's Association proudly promotes the activities of the youth involved in beef production.Our Juniors travel across the state and nation showing cattle and developing their herds.For more information regarding the Arkansas Junior Cattlemen's Association please visit their official site at


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